Galya Atanasova

, Medical University Pleven, Bulgaria
Title : Situs Inversus With Levocardia and Congenitally Corrected Transposition of Great Vessels in a 45 Year Old Female: A Case Report


Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGA) is a rare cardiac anomaly.
History and clinical presentation
A 45-year-old female presenting to the University Hospital with acute onset shortness of breath. She was visibly cyanotic and had a Class III Dyspnea. Physical examination revealed an irregular rhythm with heart rate at 90/min, a grade III systolic ejection murmur and blood pressure was 95/75 mmHg in both arms with normal distal pulses.
Diagnosis: Chest X-ray showed a left heart axis, a right-sided gastric bubble below the right diaphragm and left-sided hepatic contour. Cardiac catheterization was performed.Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) confirmed the diagnosis.
1/congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries.
Heart – lung  transplantation is the treatment of choice.
The CCTGA is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly which occurs in less than one percent of all forms of congenital heart disease. Most cases are Situs Solitus, therefore, the combination of CCTGA and situs inversus with levocardia are extremely rare defects, especially in adulthood. Thus, the anatomic repair is not always suitable for older patients. International papers have published very few cases of adult patients with CCTGA with situs inversus and other associated defects, so management of these patients; particularly complicated cases remain controversial.


Assistant Professor at Medical University Pleven