Dragana Sarenac
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje; University Hospital, SerbiaBiography
Dragana Sarenac was born in 1969 in Belgrade. She is a doctor of medicine at faculty of medicine Belgrade University in 1993. She is a specialist of internal medicine (2000), subspecialist in cardiology (2017) master of medical sciences (2001), ongoing PhD. She has employed as a cardiologist at Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje from 2000. She trained also in Hammersmith Hospital, London Ulleval University, Oslo. She has a few publications and a lot of abstracts and sessions at national and international cardiology meetings. She is a member of the Association of Cardiologists Serbia, ESC, HFA, EAPCI, EAPC, ESC WG on thrombosis. Her narrow interests in myocardial revascularization, antithrombotic therapy, cardiovascular therapy in elderly. She speaks English, partly French, Italian.
Research Interest
Cardiovascular Diseases