Alfonsas Vainoras

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania

Title: "Relationships between ECG cardiac intervals: theory and applications"


Cardiac intervals are sensitive markers of cardiac dysfunction. There exist some opinions that diagnostic features of ECG parameters are completely understood and that there is no need to seek for any new approaches in ECG analysis. However, investigation of interrelations between EGC parameters is still an active area of research. A typical example is the relationship between RR and QT intervals first described in a form of a functional correlation and the definition of tolerance intervals for QT. But one hundred years later, discussions about this relationship do not seem to be stopping. Many researchers were proposing new analytical expressions and confidence intervals for inter-parameter relationships, all adapted to their specific cohort. Unfortunately, other researchers were not able to prove the validity of these relationships. This is probably due to some of the following reasons: the insufficient identification of the specificity of relationships between ECG parameters; a fixed model of relationships between ECG parameters cannot always hold even for a particular person, time-averaged relationships between ECG parameters are not able to represent the complexity of these relationships in different time scale lengths. 

The authors will present the novel concept of algebraic relationships between cardiac intervals. Apart from the theoretical background, the authors will demonstrate that the proposed approach is capable to solve a number of challenging practical problems. The authors will demonstrate how the RR-QRS algebraic relationship is capable to detect the anaerobic threshold during the stress test, how JT-ST relationship can be used to detect ischemic episodes, how RR-JR-QRS relationship can detect early episodes of atrial fibrillation or visualize subtle reactions during the electrical stimulation of the Auricular Vagus nerve. The presentation will give an insight into some open contemporary problems in the self-organization of human cardiovascular system. 


To be updated soon...