Athanasia Karagiannidi

Harokopio University, Greece

Title: Consumption of fruits and vegetables during the COVID-19 pandemic, among patients with hypertension: an epidemiological study on a sample of the Greek population


Dietary changes during the COVID-19 pandemic have raised concerns, particularly regarding their impact on individuals with high blood pressure. This study aimed to assess changes in fruit and vegetable consumption among this population group, given the potential benefits of these foods in mitigating severe infections. A cross-sectional online epidemiological study was conducted in December 2020 using an anonymized questionnaire. The questionnaire included inquiries about dietary habits, specifically focusing on fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as questions related to high blood pressure. A total of 2,135 participants from Greece, with an average age of 35.5 years, participated. Thirty percent of participants reported an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption during the pandemic, while 16.6% reported a decrease. Approximately 10.23% of participants had high blood pressure, with 21% not receiving any medication or nutritional treatment. Among participants with hypertension, only 32% reported an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption (p = 0.007). The findings suggest that despite the potential benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption in mitigating severe infections, only one-third of participants increased their intake during the pandemic. This pattern was similar among individuals with high blood pressure, indicating the need for targeted interventions to promote healthier dietary habits in this vulnerable population.


Athanasia Karagiannidi is a Dietitian-Nutritionist, having recently graduated from Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is currently working as a consultant in an IT company that deals with the development of office management software for doctors and dietitians. She is planning on applying for the master's degree of the medical school of the Kapodistrian University of Athens "Epidemiology - Research Methodology in biomedical sciences, clinical practice and public health”. She counts 3 publications and recently she applied to become a reviewer at the BMJ journal.